11 Jan 2006

WordPress and Del.icio.us 101

There are many del.icio.us plugins for WordPress out there and some of it depends on MagpieRSS. But since WordPress 1.5, MagpieRSS is included in the core. So this won’t be a problem if you know how to replace the line that points MagpieRSS rss_fetch.inc to WordPress rss-functions.php.

Delicious plugin

In this blog, I’m still using an ancient Delicious plugin that depends on MagpieRSS with some custom modification of course. Probably when the first time I integrate del.icio.us into my WordPress, I couldn’t find del.icio.us plugin that will also display the “description” instead of only the title. If you happens to be using this plugin there’s a way to use it without installing MagpieRSS but the cache will not be save into your directory.

Somewhere in line 87 find, require_once($magpie_install_dir . '/rss_fetch.inc'); and replace it with require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php');.

Delicious Cached++

I personally recommend this plugin to all WordPress user if it’s the first time you going to integrate del.icio.us into your blog.

Delicious Cached++ uses the built-in MagpieRSS engine functions to create a list of the latest bookmarks on a del.icio.us account, from its RSS feed, keeping the feed cached in the database.
This plugin respects del.icio.us and will not to overload the feed with subsequent request, since the default cache refresh period is 60 minutes.


Delicious Cached++ converts quotes to entities, on the link title, outputs a better semantic and XHTML compliant code thus avoiding the possibility of generating invalid (X)HTML markup ( if you really care of course ).

del.icio.us Linkrolls

This is not a WordPress plugin. Linkrolls are a way for you to have your latest del.icio.us bookmarks displayed as part of your website. This is an official del.icio.us integration of your bookmarks into hypertext using JavaScript. The linkrolls page also includes Styling Notes, Display Options and Preview for you to easily customize and match your current blog or website.

Automatically Post Your Daily del.icio.us Links

By using daily blog posting under Blogging options, del.icio.us automatically takes the day’s links and turns them into a new blog post. Kevin Lim explain on how to get del.icio.us links posted on your WordPress blog everyday.

How to get del.icio.us links posted on your WordPress blog everyday:

  1. Sign up or to your del.icio.us account
  2. Start bookmarking and tagging favorite web pages. I recommend using the post to del.icio.us bookmarklet on this page by dragging that bookmarklet directly onto your bookmark toolbar. The post to del.icio.us button allows you to post your current page to del.icio.us, and allows you to enter tags and a brief description of the link.
  3. On the right side of del.icio.us, under Experimental, click on the link that says daily blog posting. On the upper right menu of del.icio.us, click on settings. Under Blogging, click on daily blog posting.
  4. Click add a new thingy and some obscure form appears
  5. Enter the following into the form, and enter your relevant details in the [boxes]
    job_name : WordPress Daily Post (or any title you want)
    out_name : [Your WordPress Username]
    out_pass : [Your WordPress Password]
    out_url : http://[Your Blog URL]/xmlrpc.php
    out_time : 4 (the GMT that you want the post to happen. 0 = 8pm EST)
    out_blog_id : (leave this blank not applicable to WordPress I presume)
    out_cat_id : 15 (Regardless, it will probably post to the default WordPress category)
  6. Hit “Submit Query” and you’re done!
  7. Simply wait for the magical moment when you links magically appear on your blog!


Take note that I’ve updated step 3. By the way, can someone explain to me more on out_time setting? I still can’t figure out how to set it properly (I have that “thing” with numbers).

Adding your del.icio.us on its own page

As most of you notice, my del.icio.us bookmark has its own page called Bookmarks. Adding it to your sidebar or ready made page is fairly easy, since you’ll only need to add the code to the existing template. By using the same method and apply it to existing page template, you’ll have your own del.icio.us page too.

Take note that this example is based on WordPress default theme (Kubrick).

  1. Go to your theme folder, find page.php.
  2. Make a copy of page.php and rename it as page-delicious.php or anything you like.
  3. Open the new page-delicious.php with your favorite text editor. Add this code at the beginning which can help you identify the template name later.
  4. In the same file, scroll down and find a line that have the_content and link_pages. Delete both of that line permanently.
  5. Replace the line that was deleted with the function that your del.icio.us plugin use. Example using delicious plugin I mention earlier,
  6. Save and close page-delicious.php.
  7. Go to your admin panel and then Write> Write Page. Insert a Page Title and don’t forget to choose Page Template “My del.icio.us Bookmark”. Leave the Page Content field blank and click “Create New Page” button.
  8. In case that you are using permalink instead of a normal link, you can update your permalink for that page by editing the “Post slug”.
  9. Preview your newly created either from the main page menu or from admin Manage page.

Other del.icio.us related entries

  • Bookmarks now with xFolk
  • del.icio.us widget meet xFolk