Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

18 Nov 2006

Exclude Category in WordPress

This is probably the fastest way to exclude category in WordPress besides using a plugin. Dump this code anywhere in Theme’s template functions.php file (For example, functions.php file for a Theme named “default” would probably reside in the directory wp-content/themes/default/functions.php): function exclude_category($query) { if ( $query->is_feed ) { $query->set(‘cat’, ‘-5′); } return $query; } add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, [...]

02 Nov 2006

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia WordPress Meetup

I’ve been thinking about this for months now which involves WordPress user in Malaysia. I wonder whether it’s possible to organize a WordPress Meetup in Kuala Lumpur, MY. No specific date yet, but it’s worth a shot. Any thought?

22 Oct 2006

Sandbox K2 theme

Sandbox K2 theme has been discontinued and replaced with k9 WordPress theme. Sandbox K2 is a WordPress theme that use Sandbox as base and K2 for the look and feel. If you don’t like AJAX or can’t handle a massive use of JavaScript but want to use K2 then this a theme for you. This [...]

09 Oct 2006

WordPress Shortnotes

Some people called Asides but for me it’s a Shortnotes. I kind of promise someone to give out the Shortnotes codes that I use here. Sorry for the delay. Since I keep changing my layout, I made it as a plugin for easy implementation on future updates. Furthermore, I don’t have to waste my time [...]

06 Oct 2006

Better TITLE for your WordPress

Don’t you hate default stuff? By default, WordPress page TITLE (wp_title()) output might look pretty ugly and incomplete. Even worst if the TITLE is missing on some pages. Usually, there are few pages that have not been titled properly like the Search Result page, Paged page, Tag Archive page, Attachment page and Author Archive page. [...]

29 Sep 2006

Password Protected WordPress blog

Sometimes I receive some weird request regarding WordPress blog customization. This time a client wanted to password protected the entire blog and not specific post. Basically, you can use Apache User Authentication but there’s another way to do this in WordPress. Go to Users → Authors & Users sub-panel. Add a new user in the [...]

06 Sep 2006 widget meet xFolk

This is a modified version of widget by Automattic. The widget is bundled together with WordPress Widgets plugin. Some changes that I’ve made: Using WordPress’s built-in RSS handlers instead of JSON. Now rendered with Microformat xFolk. Choose number of item to be displayed using drop down menu. By default it will display all public [...]