Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

07 May 2007

Future-proof Your Custom WordPress Page

Here’s a silly way to create a future-proof custom WordPress Page. I usually depends on Custom Page Template rather than Default Page Template when creating a Page. The reason because some of the Pages that I created involves some extra PHP codes. For those that didn’t know, WordPress doesn’t allows tags inside the [...]

27 Apr 2007

Nuffnang WordPress Plugin

This is a WordPress plugin for Nuffnang (Asia’s first blog advertising community). This plugin provides easy to use configuration panel and support for WordPress Widgets. Download Nuffnang WordPress plugin in zip (Version 2.0) Only support WordPress 2.1 and above. Last updated on 10th August 2007 Browse Nuffnang WordPress plugin SVN Repository Installation Please read WordPress [...]

19 Apr 2007

WordPress in Malay

Thanks to Mohd Tarmizi you can now have WordPress in Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) by downloading the MO file from ms_MY WordPress i18n directory. Please read Installing WordPress in Your Language to learn how to install the file. Take note that this translation doesn’t cover theme translation.

22 Mar 2007

Add !is_preview() Around Advertlets / Nuffnang Code

UPDATE: The Post Preview section was removed from WordPress 2.2 in favor of a popup link named ‘View »’. For Advertlets‘s or Nuffnang‘s WordPress publishers, it’s important for you to add !is_preview() conditional tags around their given JavaScript code. This will prevent the advertisements code from initializing and appearing while you’re editing / managing your [...]

28 Feb 2007

Most amazing WordPress tip you’ll ever read in your life

You want to know how to become a WordPress ninja? Build more WordPress based websites.

17 Dec 2006

KL WordPress December 2006 Meetup – the aftermath

First of all, my sincere apology for the confusion on the actual meetup venue. Seriously I didn’t realize that Berjaya Times Square KL got 3 Starbucks (now why the heck there are 3 in the same building). I arrived a bit late at the venue due to traffic jam and problem finding a parking spot. [...]

18 Nov 2006

Exclude Category in WordPress

This is probably the fastest way to exclude category in WordPress besides using a plugin. Dump this code anywhere in Theme’s template functions.php file (For example, functions.php file for a Theme named “default” would probably reside in the directory wp-content/themes/default/functions.php): function exclude_category($query) { if ( $query->is_feed ) { $query->set(‘cat’, ‘-5′); } return $query; } add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, [...]