14 Jun 2007

Exabytes Acquires Bincang.Net

The title really sounds Web 2.0 does it? Finally my prediction are true, . Chan is also the owner of Exabytes and Webmaster Malaysia.


  1. Malaysia sudah bermula :)

  2. Hmm..ada tak orang beli blog?

  3. Ade, Google nak beli. Tunggu je tawaran. Muehehe…

  4. Zeo

    Sape nak acquire blog ni? Leave offer. Boring dah blogging.

  5. Bro, jangan sesekali mengalah dalam blogging. Kita tak tahu, apa yang bakal kita dapat dengan blogging ni. Muehehe…

  6. hahaha…sebab blogging le ko dapat beli MacBook mu itu..haha

  7. Zeo

    Fahmishah, ye tak ye jugak ek.

  8. I think this blog worth alot…ist Zeo? …i did not realize there was a forum name bincang.net, how bout discuss.net?