Tag Archive for ‘WordPress’

05 Nov 2008

Uninstall Option for WordPress theme

Useful uninstall option “snippet” for your WordPress theme admin option. Basically, this reverts WordPress to the default theme and removes all theme settings from the database. Change option your_theme with your own: global $wpdb; delete_option(‘your_theme’); switch_theme(‘default’, ‘default’); wp_cache_flush(); wp_redirect(‘themes.php?activated=true’); exit();

09 May 2008

WordPress Comment Form Skip Link

Skip link (or Skip Navigation link) for comment form is really important when your entry has a lot of comments. But there’s no point in having one when your comment form is just few pixel away after the entry. This is how you can show the skip link if the comment reach n number of [...]

09 Apr 2008

While everyone is trying to increase their RSS / Atom subscribers, this is how you can offer no feed to your readers on your WordPress. Go to Settings → Reading sub-panel. Under Syndication feeds show the most recent is set to -1 (negative 1) posts.

04 Apr 2008

Remove blog from WordPress.com Blog Stats?

I got few self-hosted WordPress blog registered under my WordPress.com account in order to use WordPress.com Stats. Unfortunately, there are blogs that I accidentally added to this account and for that reason I would like to remove these blogs. The problem is how? Deactivating WordPress.com Stats plugins from the blogs doesn’t help. Even with clearing [...]

07 Oct 2007


UPDATE: A newer version to support the latest version of WordPress (2.8) will be release soon. If you’re interested to get an early copy, do shoot me an email. A tumblelog engine / theme for self-hosted WordPress with some bits of microformats love. Only compatible with WordPress 2.6 and below as this is the last [...]