26 Oct 2007

Thoughts on MYNIC Domain Control Panel

It suck.


It’s been 5 years since I registered this domain with MYNIC and their domain control panel still hasn’t change till now. What really piss me off is that I need to assign a new UserID each time I made a modification to my domain record. Goblok!

To whom it may concern here’s a little advice for you. Please look at other domain registrar control panel and learn from it. Make it more user-friendly and easy to use.

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  1. ap kata kau buat proposal kat diorang :p biar kau yg setup dia punya cpanel.. :D


  2. Ye la memang goblok sungguh.. MYNIC punya domain control panel tuh. Aku pun selalu confuse bila nak login ke control panel tu


  3. For your information, if you are trying only to edit the information for the current user within the same organization, there is no need to create a new userid.


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