Author Archive for zeo

02 Jun 2011

When something is not documented

… look at the source code

10 Mar 2011

This domain is

… 9 years old

24 Apr 2010 Support Forum

For the past couple of weeks, I suddenly had an urge to hang out at support forum. All I can say that it was a whole new experience. Reminds me a lot when I was active in K2 forum – answering question and request free of charge! I think my WordPress ninja skill has [...]

08 Jun 2009

Malaysia PlayStation®Store

Malaysia PlayStation®Store is officially launched – finally.

17 Apr 2009 System Refresh

Some thing never change. Animated GIF FTW!

11 Apr 2009

Money is the motivation

I hate to admit this but if it wasn’t for that particular someone that pay me (or was it a donation?) to update this theme, it probably took ages for me to do so. It feels really great once you start to see the result. This probably too late to mention, but WordPress 2.7 is [...]

10 Apr 2009

External Content

Relying on external content can be no fun at all. Especially dealing with broken link, deleted media etc. If it’s mine or belong to me, that wouldn’t be a problem. YouTube videos, flickr photos — now who doesn’t link or embed to that. So I guess that’s why we see a lot of duplicate video [...]