04 Apr 2008

Remove blog from WordPress.com Blog Stats?

I got few self-hosted WordPress blog registered under my WordPress.com account in order to use WordPress.com Stats. Unfortunately, there are blogs that I accidentally added to this account and for that reason I would like to remove these blogs. The problem is how?

Deactivating WordPress.com Stats plugins from the blogs doesn’t help. Even with clearing the API key brings no luck. I guess doing it manually on your own won’t work. I’m trying to figure this one out without sending an email to the folks over at WordPress.com support.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I’ve contacted WordPress.com support and they have removed the blog from my Dashboard WordPress.com stats list. But now, it seems that the blog can’t be added again after it was removed.


  1. Deleting blogs huh?

    1 – Login to WordPress.com
    2 – Go to http://your-blog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/options-ge...
    3 – Click Delete blog

    Thats the fastest way ;)


  2. Zeo

    That’s for deleting your entire WordPress.com blog not self-hosted blog.


  3. My blog used to be at jeremy.sunriseroad.net. Even after I’ve migrated it to jeremy.visser.name, all the links in Blog Stats still point to jeremy.sunriseroad.net.


  4. this maybe be a long comment sorry just wanna help…

    all u need is.. another 1 wp.com acc.. register just for username/api keys..

    then logon to wp.com with the first acc.. go to the blog stats… switch to the blog u want to remove.. at the bottom.. add the new acc as user for that blog..after the add there will have “leave blog” button at the bottom.. maybe u wanna promote the new acc as admin for that blog stats.. i just promote my other acc for give thats acc full access maybe (i didnt try just leave..).. then the blog u want to remove will dissapear from the first acc and it will be at the new acc…

    i tried it.. and it works.. i dunno u.. good luck.. hehe..

    this give me an idea


  5. owh forgot.. u just cant remove the blog..cuz theres have no that function.. its planned but no news until now i guess..


  6. Harry

    I’m not sure but I remember this part being commented as it is required for WordPress Stats to work:

    inside header.php

    I don’t know if this is true, and it won’t delete your blog but maybe stop the stats from transferring!


  7. Zeo,

    I posed this question to WP support a while back and received a prompt response. To quote:

    Right now we have no tool for removing old data – it is something we will be introducing though.



    • DO they have a solution for removing the self hosted blog now? I accidentaly instaled that wp-stats plugin and cannot get rid of my hosted blog on wp-dashboard …


  8. Just contact WP.com support, they’ll fix it up for you.


  9. Zeo


    Actually I did few days ago and been exchanging email with Nick. The bad news is I can re-add the removed blog to use WordPress.com Stats again ().

    Haven’t heard from Nick since that :-(


  10. i have the same problem, but more confusing: in my WP.com stats, there are two same blog in the list: http://www.ekakurniawan.com and ekakurniawan.com (without www). But they show different stats!


  11. lina

    same as blogger..after we remove we cannot add again


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