12 Jun 2007

Say Hello to K810i

There was some sort of guessing game yesterday among my Twitter friends and sadly, everyone was wrong. Actually, I bought myself a . Oh my, how can you resist the metallic round keypad.

As you can see, the plastic wrap is still there and I haven’t take it off. Not planning to remove the plastic wrap because I think it would be funny in some way. I chat with my sister this morning and she was laughing about it.

Of course, next would be the black MacBook. So stay tune!


  1. …. i tot u got a mac…….


  2. ciet.. meleset jangkaan gue


  3. Artgeex

    if you dont want your ipod any longer, email me, i give you my addy since you have got yourself a power of three= mp3 player+camera+mobile phone.

    cant wait to see your maccy.


  4. How much?
    just registerd Digi unlimited data plan….
    nak cari enpon support EDGE yg murah…


  5. voski

    Wei Zeo,
    baru nampek ko kat giant hari tue, tak dengar ko bagitau kat saye.. hehe.. ko ade upgrade software tak?


  6. hoi vosky, kawin x invite. dem yu


  7. Zeo

    rasso, handphone ni just for call and text only. Other than that cuma action jer.


  8. hope the plastic wrap will be there more than one year. lol


  9. adielz

    macam best..macam biasa beli sbb action…pakai x kemana…oit..dari beli 2 macbook..baik ko beli macbook pro terus…


  10. Nice phone you have here. :) I just brought K510i nia. No money to buy so expensive phone like u do.


  11. Zeo

    Plastic wrap opened. Noticed that lots of people staring at me when I’m answering the phone.

    There’s going to be K850i somewhere in August. Dang!


  12. if only you waited a little more. :P


  13. daNiaz



  14. Watch the joystick on that phone. I have a K750i and my joystick is broken. It’s so tedious to use now.


  15. val

    hai hai
    i bought myself yesterday oso
    i am idiot about handphone, i bought it coz cybershot
    i used k750i be4, quite sastified, threw back to my exhusband 6 mths ago, he bought the same phone to his galfren oso. #$@#$%… geli!


  16. im lukin 2 buy 1 of thouse fones do u thnkits ts worth da money ?? im only 11 lol w/b


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