Tag Archive for ‘Apple’

26 Jan 2008

Can’t Access iTunes Store with Maxis Wireless Broadband

It’s almost been two week since I use Maxis Wireless Broadband using the supplied Huawei E220 USB modem. Until today I still not able to access iTunes Store. It seems fine if I’m connecting using Maxis 3G from my phone, but not if I’m connecting using Maxis Wireless Broadband (Maxis High-Speed 3G broadband). My wild [...]

17 Jun 2007

Say Hello to MacBook

I thought I give some quick updates on what happen on the 12th of June, the date when I bought my MacBook. Supposedly, I should write about this earlier but I was not feeling to well. So here I am blogging from my brand new spanking black MacBook. Oh, you should be jealous by now [...]