Tag Archive for ‘delicious’

23 Oct 2007

There’s one thing that I hate when the blog that I’m subscribing is using feedburner to manage their blog feed — they splice. If you’re not familiar with feedburner, there’s a Link Splicer (splice your blog feed with your links feed i.e del.icio.us, furl) and a Photo Splicer (splice your blog feed with your photo [...]

11 Jan 2006

WordPress and Del.icio.us 101

There are many del.icio.us plugins for WordPress out there and some of it depends on MagpieRSS. But since WordPress 1.5, MagpieRSS is included in the core. So this won’t be a problem if you know how to replace the line that points MagpieRSS rss_fetch.inc to WordPress rss-functions.php.