11 Jul 2007

What? No Updates?

That’s the problem when you bought lots of new gadget (other than MacBook and Sony Ericsson K810i) in the same month. Moral of the month, don’t buy anything that have or related to the word Game when you’re on tight schedules or deadlines in that particular month. Lesson learned.


  1. ash

    hi there… since u have purchased the macbook, how is it? cuz im afraid that the macbook is not compatible as most of my work is on illustrations. But a few ppl have been telling me, where i dont need to get macbook pro unless im doing animation and renderings. I really need a lot of advice here and plan to purchase it quite soon. And do u know where can i get the best deal? i really need a lot of advice. thanks!




  2. Zeo

    ash, IMHO if you’re going to use the same software for your work I thinks there’s not going to be a problem. But don’t quote me on that. Don’t forget to max out the RAM. But from my observation, most people that in the same line of work as yours uses MacBook Pro.

    Try asking the people at MyMug.org forum.


  3. hey zeo…put some screenshots of you MAC here…let us see it!


  4. Ya ya. Wanna see it tooo..


  5. Azhar

    weh zeo kentang =x


  6. Haha, I know the feeling! Almost missed my dissertation deadline because of a new gadget :-)


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