17 Jun 2007

Say Hello to MacBook

MacBook in the box I thought I give some quick updates on what happen on the 12th of June, the date when I bought my MacBook. Supposedly, I should write about this earlier but I was not feeling to well. So here I am blogging from my brand new spanking black MacBook.

Oh, you should be jealous by now right?

We snapped few photos during my purchase but only few can make it to my . Yes, we. We both skip work early that day and arrived around 4:30 PM at Machines MidValley, Kuala Lumpur. Since I’ve already know what to buy — the details and price, so I just went ahead and told the staff what I need. David, the staff that serve me was very friendly and I personally asked him to give a short and brief training on how to use the MacBook. We both hang out there for about 30 minutes.

What did I buy?

I followed few expert advice. For time being only bought the black MacBook along with the wireless Mighty Mouse (got to love the nipple). Since the month of June is demo days, I got free 1GB Machines thumbdrive which IMHO is a very useless freebies. I’ve also received a year free Machines membership card which entitled me for a discount depending on the item.

Total damage done is $5973 MYR.

I’ll continue purchasing the keyboard and the new monitor after I’ve got the new table which is currently out of stock at IKEA. As for the ACPP, I’ve decided to purchase it when the 1 year warranty is nearing to expired and invest the leftover balance for softwares or extra accessories. Did you know that Apple product is incredibly expensive?

What’s next?

I’ll wrote something about how I planned my purchase and why I decide to choose that particular store instead of another.

Now, I’m officially a lot cooler than before. Any questions?


  1. Tahniah :)


  2. u r soo cool!. i want one.


  3. adielz

    dia bagi ‘leopard’ ke??…ke x kluar lagi??..


  4. Zeo

    Developer Build untuk Leopard dah keluar. Official release October 2007.


  5. hmm…what do you want to have after this?


  6. farking

    i believe its a Mac Pro on Intel platform isn’t it?


  7. Zeo

    Fahmishah, upgrade iPod and add more Apple.

    farking, intel Core 2 Duo MacBook. Not pro.


  8. farking

    ah pardon me.. :D


  9. Artgeex

    cis! i am so jealous =_=


  10. dem mekbuk, gua dah balik pahang aaa nanti sambung smula trip start on 25 gua gi kl, poket bekepul note euros nih muahahahahaha


  11. Cool! Waiting for the next. :D


  12. wow macbook.. :)


  13. Artgeex

    We want an update from your Maccy, brudder!


  14. macbook tu apa ye?


    **soalan cepumas **takde idea nak komen sebenarnya . hoho


  15. Memi

    gilos la abg sudah pakai mac nie…


  16. ala…, nak satu gak…


  17. did you got free ipod with macbook ?

    Abeona :)


  18. Mr coconut

    I also have one :)


  19. mac rocs

    hehe, mac book rockss


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