07 Oct 2007


UPDATE: A newer version to support the latest version of WordPress (2.8) will be release soon. If you’re interested to get an early copy, do shoot me an email.

A tumblelog engine / theme for self-hosted WordPress with some bits of microformats love. Only compatible with WordPress 2.6 and below as this is the last update before the major release of WordPress 2.7.

Totally open source. Hack it apart and send me a patch!


  • Custom page to post photo, quote, link, chat and video.
  • Automatically format each post based on post type.
  • Automatically resize large image / photo when upload.
  • microformats hAtom and xFolk friendly.
  • Theme un-installer.
  • Added support for sidebar and comment form.
  • Widgets friendly.





  1. Upload the theme folder to wp-content/themes.
  2. When done, proceed with selecting tumblelog from Design.
  3. Create at least one or two category and then assign a unique category to each type of post from Theme Options.
  4. Go to Write panel, choose either Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, or Video from Write submenu and start tumbling.

Support and Questions

Use the comment form in this entry or


  1. PLEASE make for 2.7 wordpress! I want it so bad! :D


  2. This breaks WordPress 2.7 bad!!!
    Can you update your theme?


  3. josef

    I’m adding my voice to those who would like to see a fix for WordPress 2.7. Please issue a fix if you get the time! Thanks.


  4. CP

    Would love to see this updated for WP 2.7. Any idea on if that will happen?


  5. Just another “me too!” craving an update for 2.7!


  6. Come on! Please, at least tell us if you will update your theme or not…


  7. it is pretty easy to change it to work with 2.7

    in /tumblelog/app/includes/tumblelog.php

    change function post_class( to post_classTB(

    and then change then the template calls in
    index.php, single.php, page.php, search.php, 404.php to post_classTB(


  8. The patch for 2.7 is very simple:
    Just replace “post_class” with “post_class_tumbleblog” in functions.php. You have to do this at line 183 and 206.

    The problem is that WP 2.7 introduces a new function that is also called “post_class”. So the function in the theme must have a nother name. http://codex.wordpress.org/Migrating_Plugins_and_T...


  9. Could you explain more the “change then the template calls” part? Many thanks in advance.


  10. CP

    I tested the fixes that Florian and niepi stated above and they worked for me, on a local test. I’m about to make the changes on my live environment. Wish me luck.


  11. Any news on a 2.7 update bro?


  12. : I think we can consider this theme as dead… Author is unresponsive.


  13. I just followed neipi’s instructions. Worked like a charm. My tumbleblog theme has no problems with wordpress 2.7 now.

    Do a “find and replace” among your template files to change everything inside these brackets [post_class] to [post_classTB].

    Toke me all of 5 minutes to download the theme and change those values in all the template files. You end up only needing to change about a half dozen functions to get the theme working.

    Easy, and a good skill to practice (since this isnt the only theme that you may find conflicts with a WP upgrade).

    Thanks neipi and florian! And super thanks to the theme author for the best tumbleblog theme for wordpress!


  14. anon

    Update it, and charge $$. People seem to like it.


  15. Word of warning – this theme is incompatible with WordPress 2.8 too. I did have a patched version in use with WordPress 2.7, but that doesn’t work with WordPress 2.8, you’ll get a white screen of death if you upgrade.

    To fix white screen of death:


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