Author Archive for zeo

30 Apr 2008

Iron Man

I’ve been listening to Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” song over and over again.

09 Apr 2008

While everyone is trying to increase their RSS / Atom subscribers, this is how you can offer no feed to your readers on your WordPress. Go to Settings → Reading sub-panel. Under Syndication feeds show the most recent is set to -1 (negative 1) posts.

04 Apr 2008

Remove blog from Blog Stats?

I got few self-hosted WordPress blog registered under my account in order to use Stats. Unfortunately, there are blogs that I accidentally added to this account and for that reason I would like to remove these blogs. The problem is how? Deactivating Stats plugins from the blogs doesn’t help. Even with clearing [...]

26 Jan 2008

Can’t Access iTunes Store with Maxis Wireless Broadband

It’s almost been two week since I use Maxis Wireless Broadband using the supplied Huawei E220 USB modem. Until today I still not able to access iTunes Store. It seems fine if I’m connecting using Maxis 3G from my phone, but not if I’m connecting using Maxis Wireless Broadband (Maxis High-Speed 3G broadband). My wild [...]

09 Jan 2008

How to Fix iPhone Stuck Pixel

When I wake my iPhone this morning, I was greeted by a tiny green dot right in the middle of my iPhone screen. At first I thought it was a dead pixel but my iPhone was actually experiencing a stuck pixel. After failing to fix this problem using Knox iPhone Stuck Pixel Fix app for [...]

04 Dec 2007

I has Apple iPhone

…and a happy birthday to me. If you’re wondering, I’m not using it as a phone but instead as a replacement for my old and boring iPod nano. I guess now I’m one of those iPhone owner in Malaysia. Even without unlocking the phone function, this thing is simply amazing.

10 Nov 2007

Garfield Found Hanged

Yes, I’m not joking. Garfield was found hanging from a branch of a mango tree. Actually, it’s another joke made by mom in which, according to her it would scare the monkeys away.